Posts Tagged ‘Morocco Travel’

Moroccan Saffron In TheTaliouine Mountainside

Moroccan Saffron In TheTaliouine Mountainside

Berber Life, Morocco Travel Tips, Morocco Vacations & Tours, Photography in Morocco

For all of you foodies out there I’m sure you’ve heard of a little thread-like spice called saffron. I’m also sure you know that its deep red color and pungent aroma can set you back a few dollars. But, for all you true spice lovers, the benefits definitely outweigh the…

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Travel to Morocco and Unravel the Musical Mysteries of Marrakesh

Travel to Morocco and Unravel the Musical Mysteries of Marrakesh

Moroccan Arts & Entertainment, Morocco Vacations & Tours

Watch the PLAYLIST  as it journeys to Marrakesh and describes the sounds of Arabic groove – a mix of dance and electronic music and classical Arabic melodies and rhythms.  Travel Exploration specializes in Morocco Travel. We provide Tours and travel opportunities to Morocco for the independent traveler and tailor-made tours for families and…

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The Paris Dakar Rally – a Moroccan Travel Adventure

The Paris Dakar Rally – a Moroccan Travel Adventure

Moroccan Festivals & Holidays, Morocco Travel Tips, Morocco Vacations & Tours

Does your idea of a relaxing vacation have less to do with sunbathing on a beach and more to do with sitting on a surf board waiting for that next wave or stopping to appreciate the view as you make your way up a mountain? If so, then a trip…

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Tour The Rif Mountains in Chefchaouen Morocco

Tour The Rif Mountains in Chefchaouen Morocco

Berber Life, Morocco Travel Tips, Morocco Vacations & Tours

Isolated in the Rif Mountains, Chefchaouen  is one of Morocco’s great treasures. This small mountain village sweeps you away into a state of calm with its color scheme that embraces every imaginable shade of blue. Bold splashes of cobalt, turquoise, teal, white and starlit blue surround each corner and cobbled…

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Ramadan in Morocco: An Islamic Holy Tour Of This Holiday’s Traditions

Ramadan in Morocco: An Islamic Holy Tour Of This Holiday’s Traditions

Berber Life, Moroccan Festivals & Holidays, Morocco Customs & Traditions, Morocco Vacations & Tours

  Ramadan, considered as the most important holiday in Islam, happens on the ninth month of the twelve month lunar calendar followed in Islam. These lunar months are twelve days shorter than the Gregorian calendar, so Ramadan occurs earlier in each Gregorian year. During the year of 2008, Ramadan in Morocco,…

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Morocco’s Sufi Festival: A Mystical Experience For The Avid Traveler

Morocco’s Sufi Festival: A Mystical Experience For The Avid Traveler

Moroccan Arts & Entertainment, Moroccan Festivals & Holidays, Morocco Customs & Traditions, Morocco Vacations & Tours

The Sufi Cultural Festival is an 8-day celebration that takes place each April within the imperial city of Fes to honor Sufi music and spirituality. The Festival brings together religious leaders in Sufism and artists from around the world. Visitors come to enjoy ritual performances complemented by morning poetry readings,…

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Paul Bowles Travel Writer Of Morocco & The Beat Generation

Paul Bowles Travel Writer Of Morocco & The Beat Generation

Morocco Travel Tips, Morocco Vacations & Tours

Paul Frederic Bowles was an American expatriate composer, author, and translator born in Queens, New York on December 30, 1910. Bowles was the last surviving representative of a generation of artists whose work has shaped 20th century literature and music. Among those lives that intersected with Paul Bowles  during the…

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Top 10 Places To Travel In Morocco

Top 10 Places To Travel In Morocco

Berber Life, Moroccan Arts & Entertainment, Moroccan Festivals & Holidays, Morocco Customs & Traditions, Morocco Vacations & Tours, Photography in Morocco

Morocco is modern Muslim country in North Africa. It has a coast on the Atlantic Ocean that reaches past the Strait of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean Sea. Morocco, also referred to as the Kingdom of Morocco, has international borders with Algeria to the east, Spain to the north (a water…

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Travel Morocco: Learn to Play Gnawa Music

Travel Morocco: Learn to Play Gnawa Music

Berber Life, Moroccan Arts & Entertainment, Morocco Vacations & Tours

Watch this video of Moroccan musician and lecturer Yassir Chadly as he explains how to build a gimbri and the fundamentals of playing Gnawa Sufi music. Travel Exploration specializes in Morocco Travel. We provide Tours and travel opportunities to Morocco for the independent traveler and tailor-made tours for families and…

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Moroccan Dinner – Family Tour, Couscous And Sweet Mint Tea

Moroccan Dinner – Family Tour, Couscous And Sweet Mint Tea

Morocco Travel Tips, Morocco Vacations & Tours

As you may already have assumed from previous posts, Moroccan people are extremely hospitable and always ready to lend a hand.  It is not uncommon for a new friend to invite you into their home and proudly share a meal with you. While Moroccans are very accepting and eager to…

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