Travel Stories

Backpacking in Morocco: The Best Way to Travel Local Culture

General, Imperial Cities, Language, Morocco Travel, souks, Travel Stories

After crashing her car in Italy, Lizzi Thomson of Bristol, grabbed a pack and some friends and continued traveling. Determined to feel the rhythm of a different world she headed to Morocco. After backpacking around Europe and one sleepless night in the Czech Republic, kept up by a man with…

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Moroccan Souks – Travel Adventures in Moroccan Marketplaces

Imperial Cities, Morocco Travel, souks, Travel Stories, Uncategorized

The souks, or market places, in Moroccan cities often take up entire city blocks and are made up of stall after stall of goods that wind their way through the narrow alleys and side streets, often only wide enough for pedestrians and the occasional donkey. The stalls themselves are piled…

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Morocco Travel at its Best: The Top 10 Riads and Hotels in Marrakech

Imperial Cities, Morocco Travel, Travel Stories, Uncategorized

You have dreamed of traveling to Morocco, of exploring the colorful souks of Marrakech and sampling the Moroccan cuisine, but where to stay during your trip?  Below are listen 10 of Marrakech’s most luxrious and breath-takingly gorgeous hotels and riads.  Whether you are looking for the ultimate in sophistication, a…

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The Paris Dakar Rally – a Moroccan Travel Adventure

Festivals In Morocco, General, Morocco Travel, Travel Stories

Does your idea of a relaxing vacation have less to do with sunbathing on a beach and more to do with sitting on a surf board waiting for that next wave or stopping to appreciate the view as you make your way up a mountain? If so, then a trip…

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Shop the Souks of Morocco

General, Morocco Travel, Photos, Travel Stories

A weekend in Morocco can be just as magical as a lengthy stay. The aroma of fresh spices sifting through the air, meats sizzling over an open flame, detailed carpets being unraveled at the market place, snakes entranced by the high pitched pungi, a pot of mint tea and a…

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The Blue And White City- An Exploration Of Morocco’s Rif Mountains

General, Morocco Travel, Travel Stories

Slightly out of breath from the long trek up the mountainside you look up ahead and see that it is not too much further. You pass a goat herder who, despite his age, does not seem to be feeling the effects of the climb as much as you are, he…

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Moroccan Dinner – Family Tour, Couscous And Sweet Mint Tea

General, Morocco Travel, Travel Stories

It wasn’t the impressive architecture or the rich history of Morocco that resonated with my friend Mindy the most during her recent trip to Morocco (although she certainly appreciated both) rather, it was the people she met and their infinite hospitality and seemingly unfaltering smiles. “Everyone is just so happy,”…

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Directions- A Travelers Journey Across Morocco

Berber Life, Morocco Travel, Travel Stories

At night the crowded streets of Morocco come alive with sacred snake charmers, storytellers that have you at the edge of your seat, fortune tellers and flame swallowers. In the midst of the day there is a similar hustle through the maze of marketplaces. For travelers interested in planning a…

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Imagining Morocco

General, Morocco Travel, Photos, Travel Stories

Morocco is often referred to as a cold country with a hot sun. Its summers are exceptionally hot and winters can be chill to the bone. Morocco’s ranges of climates greatly fluctuate due to the country’s geographic location between Europe, Asia, and Africa. Morocco’s unique weather patterns make it possible to find an…

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